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Mountain Bike Release of Liability

I understand that all forms of mountain biking and riding of lifts and other on mountain and associated activities (“Activities”) involve inherent dangers and risks, and I agree to assume all risk of injury, death and property damage that may result from my participation in Activities at Granite Gorge Mountain Park. To the fullest extent of the law, for myself and/or my child, I HEREBY RELEASE AND FOREVER INDEMNIFY, DEFEND AND HOLD HARMLESS Granite Gorge Partnership LLC, doing business as Granite Gorge Mountain Park and its respective parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, assigns, directors, owners, partners, members, officers, employees, agents, contractors and volunteers, including the extended family members thereof, (collectively the RELEASEES”), from any and all claim, loss, damage or penalty of any kind arising out of my or my child’s participation in Activities at the Park whether I obtained this ticket myself or by someone else. Ticketholders agree to refrain from any misconduct that may lead to reckless behavior while at the Park and agree to refrain from any conduct of any type that would cause fear, harm or otherwise detract from the inclusive environment being promoted at the Park (collectively the “Respect Policy”). Park management reserves the right to revoke any pass without refund for violations of this Respect Policy, the Responsibility Code which is posted on Park premises or any other Park policies applicable to the Activities.

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